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Grilled cheese with cheddar, mushrooms and herbs

Grilled cheese with cheddar, mushrooms and herbs

Grilled cheese with cheddar, mushrooms and herbs

The pronounced yet mild taste of Agropur cheddar cheese blends harmoniously with a variety of grilled sandwich recipes without overpowering the flavours.

In a frying pan, melt some salted butter, brown the mushrooms for a few minutes, add the finely chopped fresh herbs and season generously with pepper.

Place the mushrooms and cheddar cheese between two slices of thick buttered bread and grill over medium-high heat for a few minutes on each side. Serve your grilled cheese sandwich with mini pickles or a comforting soup.

A delicious option for a quick lunch to take out or for delivery.


Choose a variety of wild mushrooms such as chanterelles or boletes. For aromatic herbs, go for fresh herbs such as thyme or rosemary. Their fragrant flavour will delicately enhance most dishes.

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